Main objectives: First-Motivate; Second-Experience; Third-Clarify.
Pass out Student Information Sheets as they come in, have them supply information, then collect ASAP.
Pass out Syllabus, Weekly Preparation Guide, OT Scores.
Welcome and BRIEF introductions.
Course objectives and prerequisites:
- Objectives: read from the syllabus.
- Prerequisite piano experience (make them feel comfortable leaving if they aren’t ready for this class).
Play an example.
Go over the rest of the syllabus.
EMPHASIZE: Plan on spending approx. ___ hours per week, including class time, for this class.
- Plan practice and study time every day.
- Please don’t complain about the workload unless you are spending over ___ hours per week regularly.
Weekly Preparation Guide-go over it as it pertains to this week.
- Use this to track your progress. You might circle items you are currently working on, then check them when you have passed them off or handed them in.
- Use the OT Lesson Objectives (in the back of OE) for a specific suggested order of lesson study, and for note taking. All exam questions will stem from these Lesson Objectives items.
- Note: OT study is unusually heavy for the first three weeks in order to lay the foundation for the semester. You will be half-way through the OT lessons by the end of the third week. REMEMBER that by studying the OT lessons on your own, you are buying time to work directly with the instructor.
Introduce the first hymn project, “Saints, Behold.”
- Call attention to each of the listening skills: legato (have them all play the RH part), precise releases (have them listen for precise phrase breaks), independence (some play the LH part while others play RH).
- You can begin practicing this project now, and may even be able to play it well by our next class.
- Use the practice steps given on the page.
Pedal technique.
- Organ shoes–mention the five characteristics of a good organ shoe. Need to show them to me by ___.
- Knees together, inside, cover half sharp key, ankle motion.
- Each students plays the pedal part of “Saints, Behold,” with or without the RH or LH part.
OT introduction.
- Lab access details.
- Computer access details.
- Computer operation instructions.
- The Help Lesson–introduction
- Browse through using right arrow button. This is normally how we progress through a lesson. Reading through the Help Lesson is the first OT assignment.
- Open Listening Skills lesson.
- Don’t click the “MIDI” buttons-click “CD” instead.
- Drill questions, lesson tests.
- Scores-Click DON’T KEEP scores–use OT score sheet to record test scores (honor system).
Be sure they know what to do between now and the next class period.
- Get books.
- Begin working through Stage 1 of the Weekly Preparation Guide, specifically on items in Study column, Hymn Playing column, and possibly Manual Technique.
- Be sure to use the OT Lesson Objectives for note taking and for a suggested specific order of study.
Motivate to dedicate the time needed to learn these skills.
Keep track of practice time (use the table in the back of the book, and report practice time to you as requested).
Opening hymn, “Saints, Behold” (4-part version, 2 verses), then a 3-part hymn (hymn project 2).
- (Objective: exercise the three listening skills).
- Ask them to observe my playing (not to sing), then play it for them.
- Play verse 1 legato.
- Play verse 2 choppy, with problems in all three listening skills.
- Ask for their observations, relating their answers to the three listening skills.
Practicing pedal exercises.
- How to use the pedal technique checkpoints: place the yellow card on the music rack every time you practice pedal exercises or parts. Focus on one checkpoint at a time as you play your repetitions.
- Play over three day period, then for a friend, then to instructor.
Describe a typical practice session, including all columns in the Weekly Preparation Guide.
Use Weekly Preparation Guide, and the OT Lesson Objectives to guide your practice.
Keep track of practice time.
Supervised practice and OT study: get acquainted and answer questions.