Welcome to group organ instruction with the help of OrganTutor Organ 101. The intent of this web resource is to offer you the benefit of seven years of experience–of trial and error–so that your students will reap the fullest benefit of this form of instruction.

I am assuming that you will be using OrganTutor (“OT”) as it was intended–as a means of replacing lecture and demonstration in the classroom. As students work through the OT lessons on their own time outside of class, you can then use precious class time for brief, effective class discussion and for much individual listening. Students learn the bulk of the lecture topics through the OT study lessons, then internalize the concepts through class discussion. Students imitate video models of technical exercises and hymn projects on their own time, then get feedback to refine their skills as they play for you during class. In this way, the computer performs the repetitive, “enhanced textbook”-like tasks, allowing you more time to work the human interaction and listening magic for which you are so valuable.


You must be thoroughly acquainted with your class materials, which include the following:

Here is a suggested outline for that important first and second day of class.