Online Multi-Stake Organ Workshops are designed to offer training to pianists interested in learning to play the organ, and to organists at every level of experience. Normally it consists of a single 4- or 5-hour organ workshop together with a recital and hymn-sing. The workshop is customized to meet the needs of your area, including up to three sessions every hour on topics such as:
- Introducing the Organ! A Tour of the King of Instruments
- On the Bench: Things YOU Can Do On the Organ TODAY!
- Choosing Stops to Fit the Occasion
- Inspiring Hymn Playing
- Effective Prelude and Postlude
- Teaching LDS Organists
- Developing Your Pedal Technique
- Coping with Challenging Pedal Parts
- Making the Most of Your Practice Time
- Learning Organ on Your Own
- Special classes for youth
The goal: to inspire musicians young and old to better serve the Lord through continued organ training. Because this workshop is a one-time event, it will include a thorough explanation of ways to continue organ training, and a challenge to find the way that best meets individual needs as soon as possible. Instructors will include BYU faculty and graduate student instructor(s), along with well-qualified local organists. No instructor fees are paid by the Stake(s). Expenses are funded through the BYU School of Music by a special account underwritten by a generous donor. Arrangements and preparations are coordinated between the official BYU Liaison and a local coordinator from the Host Stake:
BYU Organ Workshop Administrator provides/arranges:
- Website for registering participants
- Instructors for your online workshop
- Access to participants for online webinar
- Publicity assistance
Local Workshop Coordinator arranges: (funded by BYU “down to the last donut”)
- Publicity
- Tech support for teachers of online classes
Of great importance is the approval and support of the Host Stake leadership. This stake would call a Workshop Coordinator, and together they would invite nearby stakes, as deemed appropriate. For the workshop to be a success, much good publicity and many arrangements will be handled by the coordinator. The official BYU Liaison will work with that person in creating a highly effective workshop. A helpful and detailed checklist for the Workshop Coordinator will be provided.