1231C (Austin, rebuilt by Schoenstein in 1988)
This is a three-manual organ of 10 ranks with electro-pneumatic key action. Through generous in unification and duplexing, these relatively few ranks are spread across three manuals. Students practicing organ works that require three manuals, a complete combination action, and AGO standard console specifications find this instrument particularly useful. This organ has two expressive divisions–the Swell and Choir. The console came from another organ owned by the LDS church.

Pedal Swell Great Positif
16 Gedeckt 16 Gedeckt 16 Gedeckt (Sw) 16 Flute
8 Principal 8 Gedeckt 8 Principal 8 Flute
8 Flute (Pos) 8 Salicional 8 Harmonic Flute (Pos) 8 Dolce
8 Gedeckt (Sw) 8 Celeste 8 Salicional 4 Rohr Flöte
4 Principal 8 Dolce (Pos) 8 Rohr Flöte (Pos) 4 Salicional (Sw)
4 Flute (Pos) 4 Rohr Flöte 4 Prestant 4 Dolce
4 Gedeckt (Sw) 4 Salicional 4 Flute (Pos) 2 2/3 Nazard
2 Salicional (Sw) 2 2/3 Quint (Pos) 2 Fifteenth 2 Flute
16 Bassoon 2 Gedeckt 2 II Mixutre (Pos) 2 Dolce
8 Bassoon (Sw) 2 Salicional 8 Bassoon (Sw) 1 1/3 Quint
4 Bassoon (Sw) 2 Dolce (Pos) Great 4 8 Bassoon (Sw)
Great to Pedal 8 16 Bassoon Swell to Great 16 16 Positif
Swell to Pedal 8 8 Bassoon Swell to Great 8 4 Positif
Swell to Pedal 4 Tremulant Swell to Great 4 Positif Unison Off
Positif to Pedal 8 Swell 16 Positif to Great 8 Swell to Positif 16
Swell 4 Swell to Positif 8
Swell Unison Off Swell to Positif 4