E-225 (Rodgers Instruments LLC, installed in 1998)
This is a two-manual electronic organ console that is fitted with three ranks of pipework. Both the pipes and speakers are enclosed in a swell box controlled by the left-most expression pedal. The console features pipe organ keyboards that are well suited for the many hours of practice that they will endure. The room is equipped will a full complement of digital devices: a MIDI controller, sound module, a computer, and other items to allow students and faculty to explore applications of modern technology into the traditional pipe organ world.

Pedal Swell Great
32 Contre Bourdon 16 Bourdon Doux 16 Violone
16 Principal 8 Geigen Principal 8 Principal
16 Subbass 8 Bourdon 8 Gemshorn
16 Bourdon Doux 8 Voile Celeste II 8 Rohrflöte
8 Octave 4 Prestant 8 Flûte Celeste II
8 Gedackt 4 Koppelflöte 4 Octave
4 Choral Bass 2 2/3 Nazard 4 Spitz Flöte
IV Mixture 2 Flûte a Bec 2 Super Octave
32 Contre Basson 1 3/5 Tierce 1 1/3 Larigot
16 Bombarde IV Plein Jeu IV Fourniture
8 Trompette 16 Basson 8 Trompete
4 Rohr Schalmei 8 Trompette Tremulant
Great to Pedal 8 8 Hautbois Swell to Great 16
Swell to Pedal 8 4 Clairon Swell to Great 8
Swell to Pedal 4 Tremulant Swell to Great 4
Swell Unison Off
Swell 16
Swell 4