2231 Choral Hall (built by Kenneth Jones in 1988)
This is a three-manual organ of 23 ranks with tracker key action. It is located in the Choral Hall (room 2231), but accessed only through room 3225. Its manual and pedal keyboards are AGO standard. The organ features an expressive Swell division and multi-level combination action.
Pedal | Swell | Great | Choir |
16 Subbass | 8 Hohlflute | 8 Principal | 8 Stopped Diapason |
8 Principal | 8 Salicional | 8 Rohrflute | 4 Nason Flute |
8 Bass Flute | 8 Celeste | 4 Octave | 2 2/3 Nazard |
4 Choral Bass | 4 Gemshorn | 2 Fifteenth | 2 Principal |
16 Fagotto | 2 Octavin | III Mixture | 1 3/5 Tierce |
Swell to Pedal | 8 Oboe | Trumpet | Tremulant |
Choir to Pedal | Tremulant | Swell to Great | Swell to Choir |
Tierce 1 3/5
Principal 2
Nazard 2 2/3
Nason Flute 4
Stopped Diapason 8
Swell to Choir
Choir to Great