Madsen Recital Hall

Pedal Great Positive Swell
16 Subbass 16 Quintaton 8 Gedeckt 8 Gamba
16 Lieblich Bourdon 8 Principal 4 Nachthorn 8 Gamba Celeste
8 Principal 8 Gemshorn 2 Principal 8 Rohrflute
8 Pommer 4 Octave 1 1/3 Spitzquint 4 Principal
4 Choral Bass 2 Octave III Cymbal 4 Blockflute
IV Mixture II Sesquialtera 8 Krummhorn 2 2/3 Nazard
16 Posaune V-VI Mixture Tremulant 2 Spitzflute
8 Bass Trumpet 16 Bombarde Swell to Positive 1 3/5 Tierce
4 Clarion 8 Trumpet 8 Trompette
Positive to Pedal Positive to Great 8 Hautbois
Great to Pedal Swell to Great Tremulant
Swell to Pedal