C-250 Teaching Studio (built by Rodgers Instruments LLC in 2008)
This is a four-manual custom organ of 8 ranks and many electronic voices with electric key action and P&S keyboards. It is located in the teaching studio of Don Cook. Its manual and pedal keyboards are AGO standard. The pipework and speakers are located in a single case with swell shades on two sides that operate in sequence.

Pedal Recit Expressif Bombarde (left) Bombarde (right) Grand Orgue Positif Pedal Couplers Intermanual Couplers
32 Prinzipal 16 Quintadena 8 Open Diapason 8 Viola Pomposa 16 Principal 16 Erzhaler Great to Pedal 8 Swell to Great 16
32 Contre Bourdon 8 Principal 4 Grand Octave 8 Doppel Flöte 16 Bourdon 8 Spitz Geigen Great to Pedal 4 Swell to Great 8
16 Open Wood 8 Flûte Harmonique 2 Grand Octave 8 Viola Céleste 8 Open Diapason 8 Concert Flute Swell to Pedal 8 Swell to Great 4
16 Principal 8 Gambe VII Grand Jeu 4 Orchestral Flute 8 Viola da Gamba 8 Gedackt Swell to Pedal 4 Choir to Great 16
16 Subbass 8 Gamba Celeste 16 Bombarde V Grand Cornet 8 Harmonic Flute 8 Erzhaler Choir to Pedal 8 Choir to Great 8
16 Bourdon 8 Flûte Céleste II 8 Trompete 8 Tompette En Chamade 8 Principal 8 Erzhaler Céleste Choir to Pedal 4 Choir to Great 4
8 Octave 4 Octave 4 Clairon 8 English Horn 8 Gemshorn 4 Principal Solo to Pedal 8 Solo to Great 8
8 Gedackt 4 Flute d’Amour Tremulant Chimes 8 Rohrflöte 4 Rohrflöte Solo to Pedal 4 Solo to Great 8
8 Viola de Gamba 2 2/3 Nazard Bomb on Choir Tremulant 4 Principal 2 2/3 Nasat Bombarde to Pedal 8 Solo to Great 4
16 Violone 2 Super Octave Bomb on Great Solo Unison Off 4 Octave 2 Octave Swell to Choir 16
4 Choral Bass 2 Octavin Bomb on Swell 4 Spitzflöte 2 Zauber Flöte Swell to Choir 8
4 Nachthorn 1 3/5 Tierce Bomb off Solo 2 2/3 Quint 1 3/5 Tertia Swell to Choir 4
2 Nachthorn 1 Flageolet 2 Super Octave 1 1/3 Larigot Solo to Choir 8
IV Mixture IV Mixtur 2 Waldflöte 1 Sifflet Solo to Choir 4
IV Rausch Pfeife V Echo Cornet 1 1/3 Tertia IV Mixtur Solo to Swell 8
32 Contre Bombarde III Cymbale IV Fourniture IV Scharf Solo to Swell 4
16 Bombarde 16 Contre Basson III Cymbale 16 Fagotto Great to Solo
16 Contre Basson 8 Trompete V Cornet 8 Festival Trumpet
8 Trumpet 8 Hautbois 16 Double Trumpet 8 Trompete GT/PED Pipes Off
4 Clarin 8 Voix Humaine 8 Trumpet 8 Clarinette GT/PED ANC On
4 Clairon 4 Clairon 8 Cromorne Room Acous
Tremulant Tremulant 4 Schalmey
16 Swell Tremulent
4 Swell 16 Choir
Swell Unison Off 4 Choir
Choir Unison Off