Our BYU Organ Online Training Sessions for 2022 have concluded.  We plan to restart the series starting in October, 2022.  Please check back here for the new schedule.  All events are free of charge and available to pianists and organists in any location!

Presentations offer a pre-recorded video with interactive chat with the instructor, followed by a live Question and Answer session..  Recordings of each class are available to view for one month following the live presentation.

The classes below are from our 2022 series that has finished.

The BYU Organ Online Training Sessions will be expanded during the upcoming year to include not only 5 classes geared toward early level church organists, but also 2 classes for beyond the basics training.  We will add some ongoing individual feedback sessions at a later date. All events are free of charge and available to pianists and organists in any location! Click the links above to navigate to your area of interest. 

The presentations will offer a pre-recorded video from 7-8 pm Mountain Time, interactive chat with the instructor during the video, followed by a live Question & Answer session. Enroll for the sessions by hovering over each topic and clicking the “Register” button. Recordings of each class will be available to view for one month following the live presentation.

We hope to see you at many, if not all training sessions!

The Organ Console

Dr. Don Cook

February 17, 2022 | 7-8:30 pm MT

This session is an introduction to the organ console, including the divisions of the organ and console devices such as thumb pistons and toe studs, expression and crescendo pedals, and other registrational aids.

Pitches & Families of Organ Tone

Nora Hess

March 3, 2022 | 7-8:30 pm MT

This session will explain both the names and numbers that appear on organ stops, including the four families of organ tone (principal, flute, string, and reed) along with numbers/numerals (pitch designations) and what they mean.

Hymn Registration

Sheri Peterson

April 7, 2022 | 7-8:30 pm MT

This session will focus on basic and effective hymn registration (chorus registration - when both hands are playing on a single keyboard).

Pedal Technique

Dr. Mark Campbell

May 5, 2022 | 7-8:30 pm MT

This session establishes the most important foundations of a good legato pedal technique.

Legato Fingering Techniques

Kymberly Payne

June 2, 2022 | 7-8:30 pm MT

This session will introduce fingering techniques to achieve beautiful legato musical lines without the use of a sustaining pedal (something not found on an organ).

Solo & Accompaniment Registration

Dr. Neil Harmon

February 3, 2022 | 7-8:30 pm

Various types of solo stops and combinations are explored, along with ways to create balanced accompaniment combinations.

Hymn Playing Foundations

Jacob Hofeling

May 5, 2022 | 7-8:30 pm

This session introduces hymn playing in the sustained legato style, and achieving independence of line. Concepts discussed will include: evaluating the text, dealing with the repeated notes, common tone rule, when to play legato and when to play detached.

Figuring Out Pedaling for Hymns

Kymberly Payne

June 2, 2021 | 7-8:30 pm

This session will prepare you to apply basic pedal techniques in choosing effective pedaling in hymn playing.