Rebecca (Becky) Parkinson (Idaho Falls, Idaho), 208-522-0937,

Becky Parkinson has been an organ instructor at BYU-Idaho for 36 years.  She has a degree in organ and composition from Utah State University and is a Salt Lake Tabernacle Guest Organist.

Gerry Hughes (Pocatello, Idaho), 208-241-7972,

Gerry Hughes studied organ at Idaho State University and has a masters degree in organ performance from University of Nebraska-Lincoln.  He has served for many years as organist at First Presbyterian Church and Grace Lutheran Church in Pocatello, and is active in the Eastern Idaho Chapter of the American Guild of Organists.

Millie Camire (Logan, Utah), 435-512-8337,

Millie teaches Private Organ Instruction at Utah State University alone with maintaining and active studio of her own.  When not teaching on campus, Millie works with Anderson Organ Works helping to install, tune, maintain, and refurbish electronic and pipe organs, as well as provide training workshops throughout several of the western states.