Conference Location and Parking

BYU Music Building
1100 North 900 East, Provo, UT 84604
The Music Building (MB) is located in the southeast part of BYU campus. It is located east of the Law Building and the former Harris Fine Arts Center.
Visitor parking is available in the Visitor lot that is south and west of the Music Building. Additional visitor parking is available in the Visitor lot at the Museum of Art.
On Friday evening (after 7:00 pm) and Saturday(all day) parking is available in the lots north and south of the Music Building. The north lot is between the Music Building and the Creamery (CONE on the map linked below). The south lot is between the Music Building and the ROTC building.
After 4:00 pm on Friday, you may also park in the lot east of the Music Building across the street. Do not park in this lot before 4:00.
On Monday you will need to park in one of the Visitor lots listed above. Do not park in the Music Building lots (A lots) on Monday.
Maps are included below. The Music Building is shown on the Campus Map as MB. The Music Building map shows the locations that will used for the conference (a printed copy will be provided when you check in).
Schedule and Program Information
Music Building Self Guided Tour
Organ Information
(Scheduling Links were emailed to conference attendees.)
Létourneau Console Access
For your appointments to play the Létourneau organ, you may use either the tracker console (in the façade) or the electric stage console. For best use of your time, we would advise choosing one OR the other and staying there through your appointment.
For the stage console, enter door 1120J – turn right from the Organ Suite, second door on your left.
For the tracker console, enter door 2118 – take or locate the large elevator to floor 2, turn right from the elevator, then quick left. Go up the wooden stairs to the organ loft.
- When you begin, start by opening the Swell expression pedal. When both consoles are on, the one with Swell expression pedal most open wins!
- When you are finished, close the Swell expression pedal and cancel all stops.
- If the console you choose is not working, go to the other console and see that the Swell expression pedal is closed.
- Feel free to set any pistons you wish.
Evening Events
The conference opens Friday evening with an exciting dedicatory recital by Daniel Cook (Master of the Choristers and Organist, Durham Cathedral, UK), including a performance with the BYU choirs. Tickets to the recital are not included with your conference registration and can be purchased through BYU Tickets. A limited block of reserved tickets may still be available by calling 801-422-2981 and identifying yourself as a participant of the Organ Alumni Conference.
The Inaugural Faculty Recital on the Concert Hall Organ will be performed by Don Cook and Neil Harmon on Saturday the 26th at 7:30 pm. This recital will be streamed.
The Community Hymn Sing is slated for Sunday the 27th at 6:30 p.m. We anticipate a large audience in the Concert Hall excited about singing hymns with the new Letourneau concert organ for the first time. The Hymn Sing will not be streamed.
Both the Faculty Recital and Hymn Sing are free and open to the public. Bring your friends and family!
Receptions for conference participants and their guests will be held after the Friday and Saturday evening events in the Music Ed Lab, room 1233, located on the first floor of the Music Building. It is near Door 2 of the Concert Hall.
BYU Organ Department History
To read a draft of the history, click below. Send comments or additional information to David Pickering.
To receive a copy of the BYU Organ Department History when it is published, please register below.