Thank you for your interest in Latter-day Saint organist training through the BYU Organ Department!

Here is some information to help you determine which type of workshop might best fit your situation. Although the workshops described below are conducted by BYU, they are endorsed by the leaders of the General Music Committee of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

About our Traveling Organ Workshops

The goal of our Traveling Organ Workshops is to give present and future organists instruction and motivation to pursue personal excellence in playing the organ and, in turn, aid the Saints more effectively in our worship services.

We offer single stake and multi-stake organ workshops.

Arrangements and preparations are coordinated between the BYU Organ Workshop Administrator and a local coordinator from the hosting stake.

Through a generous donation to the BYU Organ Department, all workshops expenses are covered, from plan fare down to the last donut.

After reading the information below, please email with questions or to begin the process of scheduling a workshop.  The approval and support of your stake leadership is required before a date can be scheduled.

Multi-Stake Organ Workshops

Multi-Stake Organ Workshops are designed to offer training to pianists interested in learning to play the organ, and to organists at every level of experience. They include an organ recital on Friday evening, with a hymn sing and four hours of classes divided into three levels. The minimum number of attendees required to host one of these events is 60.

Coordination and publicity with 5-6 stakes in the local area is required.  

Sessions are organized into three tracks:

YOUTH – Designed especially for young people with no experience at the organ, this track shows what the organ can do and gives everyone a chance to try it out.

HOW-TO – This track gives pianists and early-level organists some tools to begin building confidence at the organ. Designed for adults. Youth may attend if they have prior experience on the organ.

BEYOND THE BASICS – This track offers ideas and inspiration to those who are already comfortable at the organ.

BYU Organ Workshop Administrator provides/arranges:

  • Detailed planning document with a checklist of tasks to be completed
  • Website and registration for participants
  • Instructor airfare, meals, and lodging
  • Publicity fliers
  • Concert programs, Schedules, and Handouts for attendees
  • Rental organs (BYU will work with a local organ dealer to get two to three loaner organs)

Local Workshop Coordinator arranges: (funded by BYU “down to the last donut”)

  • Meetinghouse reservation, setup, and cleanup
  • Publicity
  • Audio/Visual setup and support
  • Refreshments after concert
  • Light breakfast and lunch on Saturday
  • Volunteer support as needed
Single Stake Organ Workshops

Single Stake Organ Workshops have one instructor with three hours of classes. An optional organ recital on Friday evening may be included. These are smaller in scale than the Multi-Stake Organ Workshops described above, with only one session taught at a time. However, they can be just as effective in achieving the goal: to inspire musicians young and old to better serve the Lord through continued organ training. The minimum number of attendees required to host a single stake workshop is 25.

BYU Organ Workshop Administrator provides/arranges:

  • Detailed planning document with checklist of tasks to be completed
  • Website and registration for participants
  • Instructor airfare, meals, and lodging
  • Publicity fliers
  • Schedules, and Handouts for attendees
  • Recital programs (optional)

Local Workshop Coordinator arranges: (funded by BYU “down to the last donut”)

  • Meetinghouse reservation, setup, and cleanup
  • Publicity
  • Audio/Visual setup and support
  • Refreshments after concert (optional)
  • Light breakfast
  • Volunteer support as needed
Local Instructor Led Workshops

For local instructors who would like to conduct a Stake Organ Workshop on their own, outlines, lesson plans, handouts, and other resources are available on our website.

For Individuals

Individuals may also explore Organ Training Resources Available through BYU on their own. 

Particularly effective for pianists who have no organ training is The New Ward Organist, a series of eight video lessons and packet to help newly-called organists get started.